Anything Knitting or Crocheting

{August 7, 2007}   Bits and Bobs Yahoo Group

Bits and Bobs Button

{August 7, 2007}   My own painting

Click here to create your own painting.

{June 20, 2007}   Day 5 picture and lines.



This pattern was designed by Janet Nogle.

KAL Day #4


She made it home Saturday night.  Yeah!



The color is actually very pastelly. I love the color and the pattern. i had no difficulties with this.


Thank you for test knitting and submitting a photo.  I couldn’t have gotten this done without you.


This is with the group:
They have a knitted pattern: fish-blanket.doc

Crocheted Fishie

Crochet version based on th Knitted version of the Fishie

Designed by Cora Levesque

Chain 7

Row 1: sc 6

Row 2: sc 1, inc sc in the next sc, sc in the next 2 sc, inc sc in the next sc, sc 1 (8 sc)

Row 3: sc 8

Row 4: sc 1, inc sc in the next sc, sc in the next 4 sc, inc sc in the next sc, sc 1 (10 sc)

Row 5: sc 10

Row 6: sc 1, inc sc in the next sc, sc in the next 6 sc, inc sc in the next sc, sc 1 (12 sc)

Row 7: sc 12

Row 8: sc 1, inc sc in the next sc, sc in the next 8 sc, inc sc in the next sc, sc 1 (14 sc)

Row 9: sc 14

Row 10: sc 1, inc sc in the next sc, sc in the next 10 sc, inc sc in the next sc, sc 1 (16 sc)

Row 11: sc 16

Row 12: sc 1, inc sc in the next sc, sc in the next 12 sc, inc sc in the next sc, sc 1 (18 sc)

Row 13: sc 18

Row 14: sc 1, inc sc in the next sc, sc in the next 14 sc, inc sc in the next sc, sc 1 (20 sc)

Row 15: sc 20

Row 16: sc 20

Row 17: sc 5, sc in back loop 10, sc 5 (20 sc)

Row 18: sc 5, sc dec in th next 2 sc, sc 6, sc dec in th next 2 sc, sc 5 (18 sc)

Row 19: sc 5, sc in back loop 8, sc 5 (18 sc)

Row 20: sc 5, sc dec in th next 2 sc, sc 4, sc dec in th next 2 sc, sc 5 (16 sc)

Row 21: sc 5, sc in back loop 6, sc 5 (16 sc)

Row 22: sc 5, sc dec in th next 2 sc, sc 2, sc dec in th next 2 sc, sc 5 (14 sc)

Row 23: sc 5, sc in back loop 4, sc 5 (14 sc)

Row 24: sc 5, sc dec in th next 2 sc, sc dec in th next 2 sc, sc 5 (12 sc)

Row 25: sc 5, sc in back loop 2, sc 5 (12 sc)

Row 26: sc 5, sc dec in th next 2 sc, sc 5 (11 sc)

Row 27: sc 11

Row 28: sc 4, sc dec in th next 2 sc, sc 5 (10 sc}

Row 29: sc 10

Row 30: sc 4, sc dec in th next 2 sc, sc 4 (9 sc}

Row 31: sc 9

Row 32: sc 9

Row 33: sc 9
Increase on every row until 23 sc
sc 23
sc 23

Finish off.

Scales of Justice picture that the cloth is based on.
A member of the Monthly Dishcloth KAL asked for a design for a scales of justice cloth. Here is one, I am hoping to work at another one this weekend.


Scales Of Justice Dishcloth-Vs. 1

Scales Of Justice Dishcloth-Vs. 1

Designed by Cora Levesque -2007


1 skein of Worsted Weight 100% Cotton

Size 6 or 7 Knitting needles


CO-cast on

BO-bind off



BS-Border Stitch (This can be garter or seed stitch, what ever you would you like)


CO 50

Rows 1-4: BS

Row 5: BS3, K44, BS3

Row 6: BS3, P44, BS

Row 7: BS3, P1, K42, P1, BS3

Row 8: BS3, K1, P42, K1, BS3

Row 9: BS3, P2, K40, P2, BS3

Row 10: BS3, K2, P40, K2, BS3

Row 11: BS3, P2, K40, P2, BS3

Row 12: BS3, K5, P4, K26, P4, K5, BS3

Row 13: BS3, P5, K4, P26, K4, P5, BS3

Row 14: BS3, K5, P4, K26, P4, K5, BS3

Row 15: BS3, P6, K2, P28, K2, P6, BS3

Row 16: BS3, K6, P2, K28, P2, K6, BS3

Row 17: BS3, P6, K2, P28, K2, P6, BS3

Row 18: BS3, K6, P2, K11, P6, K11, P2, K6, BS3

Row 19: BS3, P6, K2, P12, K4, P12, K2, P6, BS3

Row 20: BS3, K6, P2, K13, P2, K13, P2, K6, BS3

Row 21: BS3, P6, K2, P13, K2, P13, K2, P6, BS3

Row 22: BS3, K6, P2, K13, P2, K13, P2, K6, BS3

Row 23: BS3, P6, K2, P13, K2, P13, K2, P6, BS3

Row 24: BS3, K6, P2, K13, P2, K13, P2, K6, BS3

Row 25: BS3, P6, K2, P6, K3, P4, K2, P4, K3, P6, K2, P6, BS3

Row 26: BS3, K6, P2, K6, P3, K4, P2, K4, P3, K6, P2, K6, BS3

Row 27: BS3, P6, K2, P7, K1, P5, K2, P5, K1, P7, K2, P6, BS3

Row 28: BS3, K6, P2, K7, P1, K5, P2, K5, P1, K7, P2, K6, BS3

Row 29: BS3, P6, K2, P7, K1, P5, K2, P5, K1, P7, K2, P6, BS3

Row 30: BS3, K6, P2, K7, P1, K5, P2, K5, P1, K7, P2, K6, BS3

Row 31: BS3, P6, K2, P7, K1, P5, K2, P5, K1, P7, K2, P6, BS3

Row 32: BS3, K6, P2, K7, P14, K7, P2, K6, BS3

Row 33: BS3, P6, K2, P8, K3, P2, K2, P2, K3, P8, K2, P6, BS3

Row 34: BS3, K6, P2, K9, P2, K2, P2, K2, P2, K9, P2, K6, BS3

Row 35: BS3, P6, K2, P11, K8, P11, K2, P6, BS3

Row 36: BS3, K6, P2, K12, P4, K12, P2, K6, BS3

Row 37: BS3, P6, K2, P13, K2, P13, K2, P6, BS3

Row 38: BS3, K6, P2, K28, P2, K6, BS3

Row 39: BS3, P6, K2, P28, K2, P6, BS3

Row 40: BS3, K6, P2, K28, P2, K6, BS3

Row 41: BS3, P6, K2, P28, K2, P6, BS3

Row 42: BS3, K6, P2, K28, P2, K6, BS3

Row 43: BS3, P3, K38, P3, BS3

Row 44: BS3, K3, P38, K3, BS3

Row 45: BS3, P2, K40, P2, BS3

Row 46: BS3, K3, P38, K3, BS3

Row 47: BS3, P7, K30, P7, BS3

Row 48: BS3, K10, P24, K10, BS3P

Row 49: BS3, P14, K28, P14, BS3

Row 50: BS3, K18, P8, K18, BS3

Row 51: BS3, P20, K4, P20, BS3

Row 52: BS3, K21, P2, K21, BS3

Row 53: BS3, P44, BS

Row 54: BS3, K44, BS3

Row 55: BS3, P44, BS

Row 56: BS3, K44, BS3

Rows 57-60: BS

BO all stitches

June 1, 2007 designed by Cora Levesque

I am in Hufflepuff.

Which Hogwarts house will you be sorted into?

et cetera